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Sunday, January 13, 2019

The Day Lincoln Was Shot

The Day Lincoln Was Shot

The Day Lincoln Was Shot

The Day Lincoln Was Shot

As four year of Civil War draw to a close, our country again faces unforgettable tragedy. Killer and victim edge closer to the event at Ford's Theatre that stopped Lincoln's heart.

The Day Lincoln Was Shot

The Day Lincoln Was Shot is a book by Jim Bishop that I've always loved. In fact, I not only have the book itself in hardback, but I also have it in audiobook form. I probably listen to it once a year or so and am always delighted with it. Now the DVD of the book is available! I don't know why I missed the original broadcast of the film on TNT back in 1998. Admittedly, I don't watch much TV, but I would have made an exception for this movie! So in 2011, I purchased the DVD of the film that was released in 1998-oh well-better late than never.
The Day Lincoln Was Shot
I wasn't disappointed. This movie is very well done. It stars Lance Henriksen as Lincoln and Rob Morrow as Booth. Both do outstanding jobs in their roles. Henriksen obviously studied Lincoln. He moves and acts like I imagine Lincoln would move and act. He looks very much like Lincoln, as well. Only his voice is off. Henrikson's voice is much deeper than the accounts of Lincoln's high pitched Kentucky twang was said to be. Henriksen nails Lincoln's humor, patience, and quiet sturdiness. As for Morrow as Booth-he is also outstanding. I see Booth when I see Morrow playing Booth. He captures the various facets of the assassin-the gentleman, the playboy, the man absolutely devoted to the cause as he sees it. The other cast members are done fairly well, but Henriksen and Morrow make the movie.
The Day Lincoln Was Shot
The film is 94 minutes. The color is beautiful. The period sets are great. The music is dramatic and really adds to the build-up of the Ford's theater shooting. Throughout the movie,one really gets the feel of 1865 Washington. The costumes are dead on-including the soldiers. The soldiers don't look like re-enactors (like I think they do in Gettysburg). Sure, there are some problems with the historical record-but for me- they're minor and not worth mentioning here. I recommend this film to Lincoln buffs as well as to those who may not be familiar with the history. Have fun watching!
The Day Lincoln Was Shot

Friday, June 19, 2015

Lincoln Lincoln and Lee at Antietam

Lincoln  Lincoln and Lee at Antietam

Lincoln  Lincoln and Lee at Antietam

Lincoln  Lincoln and Lee at Antietam

Lincoln and Lee at Antietam covers the entire struggle of the Antietam Campaign. The political concept about why Lincoln needed a Union victory and Lee's need to take the war north were covered as well as the battle. With various interviews featuring historians such as James McPherson, this documentary is very well done. The battle coverage is brief and not entirely descriptive although it includes reenactment scenes from the 125th, 135th and 140th Antietam Reenactments. A majority of the footage and photography is excellent as it shows the beauty of the Maryland landscape around Antietam. Some of the film really points out General McClellan's "slow-to-react" method of dealing with Lee's invasion and how he missed a multiple of opportunities to really whip Lee during this campaign.

Lincoln  Lincoln and Lee at Antietam

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Alert Stamping 5020TF-4C 12 Gauge Retractable Reel

Alert Stamping 5020TF-4C 12 Gauge Retractable Reel

Alert Stamping 5020TF-4C 12 Gauge Retractable Reel

Alert Stamping 5020TF-4C 12 Gauge Retractable Reel

Alert Stamping 5020TF-4C 12 Gauge Retractable Reel with 4 Outlets

I was looking for a rugged retractable reel for my shop. This reel met all my specifications and was very easy to install. I expect to get many years of solid work out of this reel.
Alert Stamping 5020TF-4C 12 Gauge Retractable Reel